Lesson #8: Just say no, to yes girls

Have you ever heard someone refer to a person as being surrounded by “yes men”? If so, its probably been said with a negative connotation. As much as it is important to surround yourself with people that support your vision, its equally important to have people around that challenge it as well. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, not every idea you have will be a good one. That’s ok, bad ideas are are not contagious, the danger lies in pursuing all your bad ideas. We’re human and the collection of our ideas bad and good make up our human experience. Too many bad ideas sought after eventually lead us to believe that we have a bad life, and nothing could be further from the truth! No one likes to HEAR that their idea isn’t good, but if the alternative is to FEEL like my life isn’t…I’ll take the former anyday!