Lesson #7: Jill of all trades, master of none

No one wants to be that person who has a different “area of specialty” every week. In business its confusing to your audience and in life its confusing to the Universe! It’s important that we establish what our audience can expect from our brand early, this is what we call a brand message. It is even more important that once we’ve established said message, that it remains consistent. I personally have fallen victim, more than once, to the “I can do that” trap. Its an illusion in which we lead ourselves to believe that by spreading ourselves thin in 5 areas, we somehow become stronger in 1, our main focus. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and MORE WRONG!!!! The only way to become strong in an area is by focusing relentlessly on that specific area. NEVER in the history of the world has a talent, or purpose gotten better by spending less time on it.