Lesson #6: Hired Help…Is Cheaper

Hired help WILL ALWAYS BE CHEAPER than free labor! Anything given or received for free is overwhelmingly undervalued! The reason luxury brands are such a hot item is because they cost so much, which automatically implies quality and status. In theory, a designer pair of jeans will last a lot longer than a bargain pair. The designer jeans were made with more attention to detail, with finer materials and are generally in short supply. If we give this much consideration to something we sit on all day, one would think we would give half as much to our professional and personal brands. It’s important that we always present a quality product and unfortunately, that is rarely achieved through volunteer work. A Volunteer’s work is a reflection of your brand not theirs; however, when you pay a person to provide a service the opposite is true. A person will always perform better for themselves, than for others. So the next time you consider looking for “interns” consider what it may cost you in the long run.