Lesson #4: What She Said…

This is a honest depiction of what I went through planning the Girl’s Guide To Finding Solutions, so here goes. Even if you’re not offering retreats or conferences to anyone, have you noticed that its always easier to give advice than to take it? Even if its your own? Well I’m no different!!! I found myself telling others what would make their life easier, happier and more fulfilled, yet I couldn’t honestly say that I had a completely fulfilled life. I wasn’t the happiest version of myself. I still had people, habits and environments in my life that weren’t serving or growing me. I may not have been able to change anything outside of me, but I wasn’t even changing the things I could. Sometimes friendships need to end. Sometimes the places you use to go need to be just that. What I needed most was to read the lessons I wrote, do the activities I created and plain and simple take my own advice. I realized I created the resources almost as much for myself as I did for others. I was able to find the words and create the activities because they first helped me, so why did I stop using them? How could I convince others that what I was presenting actually worked if I wasn’t even doing it myself anymore?
Never get so busy “fixing” others that you destroy yourself!