Lesson #3: You Are Not Your Ego

Ego is described in the dictionary as a person’s sense of self-esteem or self importance. Eckhart Tolle describes it as your personal history. One thing is true of almost all the definitions I’ve found, its all about self. In event planning and in life in general there will never be a time where anything is all about you. Even on the days when you “think” it should be, those are actually the days when it is the least. Consider the fact that we are all here to serve one another. That one without the other would be incomplete and you will come to see that there is no room for ego if what we are truly after is wholeness. Would you be happy with half a car or half a home? Then why settle for half a life? Why are we willing to gamble the one opportunity we have to be happy, to be rich, to be successful on such a wish washy thing like ego? Although when defined, ego sounds a lot like something from the inside out, this could not be further from the truth. Ego is actually the complete opposite; it takes what we SEE on the outside and affects how we FEEL on the inside. The crazy thing about the process is that, half the things we see aren’t real anyway. Social media for instance should come with a WARNING LABEL that reads: images may appear bigger, smarter, happier and richer than they are. At least this way we know ahead of time that the comparison you’re making isn’t a fair one. Thats what ego does by the way, it makes you first compare yourself to others, which in and of itself is ridiculous. We were not made in the image of competition so why participate in the spirit of it?
Ego will give you useless directions, down roads with no meaning to destinations with no purpose. Its up to you if you want to stay there….