Lesson #22: Accept The Gift Of Darkness

Some of the MOST beautiful things in the world are born out of darkness! Consider the fact that the most captivating photos were developed in a DARK ROOM; that the wonders of SPACE and STARS can only be seen AT NIGHT; or that the highest form of creation, human life, is nurtured in a DARK WOMB for nine months! No one curses the daylight because they can’t see the stars, nor does anyone try to rush an expectant mother to deliver her most precious gift early. Life and your dreams are the same way. It will take some darkness on your path to fully develop your purpose! IT WILL TAKE TIME! There are very few short cuts in life and those that exist are seldom without their own price to pay. Stop being so hard on yourself! If you are working towards a goal, vision or a dream and everything seems covered in darkness, get ready, because the light is coming and it’s going to be BLINDING!!!!