Lesson #18: Separate Who You Are From What You Do

Making a mess is not indicative of being a mess! Having an event that FAILS doesn’t make you a failure! We often get too consumed by “what we do”. “Where do you work”?; “What do you eat”?; and “Who are you dating”? Instead of grilling one another on activities that may not be truly indicative of our core values, why don’t we try asking about each other’s beliefs on family, friendship and love? If you only want to know what a person does, which may be helpful in some cases, that’s fine. Just as long as you are not using it as the only judgment of who that person is. I believe this applies more to what we think about ourselves, than what we think about others, honestly. When things don’t go as planned, or we don’t have the relationship we hoped for, when we can’t afford the car we want to drive, our self talk becomes toxic. We tell ourselves once we have all those things we’ll look better, dress better and feel better. The truth of the matter is no matter what we “do” to the outside it means NOTHING if we haven’t done anything to the INSIDE!