Lesson #12: It Takes Time

Nature teaches us everything we need to know about life. It illustrates for us how to live the most fulfilling, worthwhile, purpose driven life possible. Take flowers for instance, they sprout, they bloom, they eventually die and the cycle starts again. Consider if you will, that our idea or event life cycles are much like that of a flower. We sprout an idea, it blooms into being, it ends and we move on to the next. When a flower blooms it NEVER look at the flower next to it as an indication of how tall or how wide its bloom should be, it just does what comes natural. Another awe inspiring thought to consider is that it happens in its own time, in its own way. How many times have you actually seen a flower sprout or bloom? Rarely if ever. Flowers don’t need an audience to do what they are naturally called to do and neither do you. What they do need is time and the right “food” to grow, including, sun, water, nutrients and the right environment. Our right “food” as human’s isn’t much different it includes sun, water, nutrients and the right environment to grow…would you look at that, all major components for growth of anything is the same for growth of everything! IMAGINE THAT! Give yourself time to grow and give others the same benefit of that time as well, remember growth happens in its own time!