Lesson #11: Partnership Creates Perfection

Lesson #11: Partnership Creates Perfection

The closest you will ever come to perfection will be by way of partnership.  All of the world’s most valuable resources are created out of partnership. Humans, the highest form of creation are a result of partnership.  So if it’s good enough for the highest form of creation, shouldn’t it be good enough for our businesses, our events our ideas? When you come to the table with a well rounded, well organized, well thought out plan it can only be enhanced by the right partnership.  The right partnership does not necessarily mean an actual partner in your specific endeavor; it more applies to the the teachings, encounters and evaluated experiences that make up your belief about your specific endeavor.  Whatever a woman believes she becomes.  If you believe your event will be a success, it will be, if you believe it will be a challenge and difficult to bring to market, that’s true too.  It’s important that whatever figurative or literal partners you surround yourself with provide actual benefit.  So ask yourself, who are my partners?

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