The Girl’s Guide To Finding Solutions: 30 Days Later

The Girl’s Guide To Finding Solutions: 30 Days Later


Hey Pretty Girls!

Here we are 30 Days Later and hopefully, stronger, wiser and more connected with ourselves and one another.  May 30th was a day of revelations, ahhhaa moments and lots of FUN! We dug deep and I am forever grateful for my interaction with each and every one of the mothers, daughters and speakers. In the last 30 Days Mothers, have you continued to nourish your daughters dreams in spite of your own disappointments? Daughters, have you continued to dream about a life worth living? Have you both forgiven the hurts of the past and lived fully in the present? Have you taken the lessons learned molded and adapted them to what works best for you, your daughter and your family.  As I said in my opening remarks, the retreat was not about right or wrong, ONLY what works! Let me know what’s working, what’s not and how I can help.  It is my hope that the retreat was the start to a wonderful journey of self-awareness, self-respect and common ground between mother and daughter.

For the month of July I will post one post a day about what I learned at the retreat.  If there’s something you’d like to share that you learned send it to me at and we’ll do our best to incorporate it. I cannot wait to hear from all of you!

In closing, Mothers, keep your daughters close; love on them, guide them and when necessary, don’t be afraid to let them fall with a watchful eye.  Daughters, listen to your mothers! Remember, experience is not the best teacher, evaluated experience is the best teacher!




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